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About Us
Prestige ETD Group (Pty) Ltd
Human Resources, Labour Relations and Education, Training and Development (ETD) requirements and practices have changed dramatically in South Africa over the past decade or two.
In difficult times, Organisations are most likely to cut staffing in these areas as they are not considered core business areas. Unfortunately, mistakes made in these areas are likely to be costly, and can sometimes be the cause of company's going out of business!
Prestige ETD Group offers outsourced consulting services in these critical areas, so that you as an organisation are not faced with costly litigation as a result of unfair labour relations and practices whilst you build your core areas of operation.
SETA Accreditation Services, the ETQA accreditation consulting division of Prestige ETD Group (Pty) Ltd has grown from a general industry need for specialized knowledge and skills required by Training Providers to become accredited by a Quality Assurance body.
Let us do what we do best by acting on your behalf with your Primary SETA or Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) body to ensure that your Organisation is accredited as Provider of quality assured learning and assessment, so that you can focus your efforts on doing what you do best!
"Maximise your Training Return on Investment"